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Are you worried about the condition of your teeth?

man giving a thumbs up at the dentist
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Having a smile that you can be proud to show off makes all the difference to your everyday life. Not feeling satisfied with your smile means you could end up feeling extremely insecure about smiling, talking or eating in public and may even start to take extra steps to avoid these things. However, if you are not happy with the condition of your smile then there are several things that your dentist in Sydney CBD can do to help improve the way that you feel about it. There are treatments available that can camouflage the appearance of any chips or stains that you may have as well as treatments that can straighten your teeth to give your smile a more even appearance overall. You should also be making sure to attend regular check-ups at your practice to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease from occuring. Usually people will need to see their dental practitioner every year or so, but this can vary depending on individual circumstances.

Don’t let ageing teeth impact your smile

As people age their teeth are one of the things that show signs of it, often through things such as discolouration, which can make you look older than you really are. Discolouration can be caused by smoking, drinking alcohol and tea, not having a good oral hygiene regime and even by eating certain foods. However, it is also becoming just as easy to have your teeth whitened, brightening them by several shades to give them an overall more youthful appearance. You can opt to undergo this treatment at your dental practice, or you may prefer to be in control of your own treatment and wear your whitening trays in the comfort of your own home. You can expect to see results over a period of two weeks when whitening your teeth at home, but if you need to whiten your teeth quickly for a special event then it may be a better idea to have your teeth whitened at your practice as the results are immediately noticeable.

Even out your smile’s imperfections

Crooked teeth can cause insecurities when it comes to smiling, but it can affect your oral hygiene too. Overlapping teeth means that you cannot brush them as effectively, and there may be certain areas where plaque gathers that you are unable to reach at all when brushing which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if left untreated. However, having your teeth straightened will ensure that all of your teeth are evenly positioned and a lot easier to clean efficiently. Getting an appointment for teeth straightening is simple, and you can even benefit from subtle treatments such as Invisalign. This treatment uses clear, plastic aligners that are removable to provide a treatment that works around your lifestyle. The aligners you wear will be barely noticeable to others and will fit comfortably over your own teeth. You will be able to remove them to brush your teeth and eat, but they need to be worn for at least twenty-two hours a day. Treatment time can vary from patient to patient, but normally takes between six and twelve months to complete.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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