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Primary Equipment Used for Uterine Procedures

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Obstetrics and gynecology are currently among the most lucrative fields in medicine. It will however only actualize into profits for you and the best type of care for your clients if you use the right instruments.

One of the most common procedures you will be handling in your field is uterine procedures. This is because of the rise in uterine conditions and because most gynecological conditions are in some way connected to the uterus.

Most medics will assume all they need when evaluating their client’s uterus or carrying out uterine procedures is a vaginal speculum. This is primarily used for visualizing the cervix and collecting specimen for various conditions from the cervix

Although essential, the speculum is not enough when running a profitable gynecological and obstetrics department. Here are some of the other instruments needed for your department.

Uterine Scoops

These are so called owing to their spoon-like shape though some scoops resemble straws. Uterine scoops are also called endometrial curettes and are used for the extraction of uterine tissues during dilatation and curettage.

This way, you can get tissue for diagnosing uterine conditions or remove tissues for discarding. The scoops come with two types of curettes; suction and scraping curettes.

The scraping curette will scratch the uterine wall to dislodge its components while the suction one will suck the objects in a uterus without harming its walls.

Uterine Sounds

These are used for the examination of a client’s vaginal cavity to assess its depth. The uterine sound will be inserted into the woman’s uterus via the cervix to find the cervical canal and uterus’ direction.

It determines the dilation of the cervix mostly in embryo transfer so that you know how far you will have to go when transferring an embryo. At times, a uterine sound can be used for enlarging the vagina if atrophied by medical conditions or when examining the cervix to avert discomfort.

Uterine Dilators

These are generally made of plastic and meant to enlarge your client’s vagina when the tissue is atrophied over time making examinations and sexual intercourse painful. Although painful at times, using a high-quality uterine dilator will make the process more comfortable for your client. Other than for examination, the dilator will be used during labor when used to open a cervix which is about 9cm dilated.

Uterine Depressors

These are used to displace a client’s uterus from its original position. The displacement of the uterus can be done in combination with the compression or excision of the tissue which surrounds the uterus.

The uterine depressor is often made of high-quality metal which can be sterilized after you use it on a patient. It is commonly used for the removal of uterine tumors and to provide a clear view of the uterus in a surgical procedure.

The instruments mentioned above are only part of what you will need when running an obstetrics and gynecology department but they make a significant difference. The ideal solution for ensuring your practice does not suffer any downtimes is to get a reliable supplier for your practice’s instruments. Moreover, consider getting all your instruments from one supplier so that you can get a good discount.

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