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Ever thought about veneers for a beautiful smile?

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The first thing people notice about you is your smile. Today there are plenty of different options that you can undergo with your dentist in London to improve the appearance of your smile. Cosmetic dental treatment is affordable and there are different options to suit different dental requirements. One of the most popular types of cosmetic dental treatment is the use of veneers.

The many uses of veneers

Veneers are thin shells that are attached to the front surface of your teeth to create a pleasing smile in a very short time. Stubborn stains that cannot be treated by teeth whitening can be disguised using veneers. If you suffer from tetracycline stains, fluoride stains or even a genetic condition that has affected the colour of your teeth, then veneers could be an excellent choice of cosmetic dental treatment for you. If you have minor gaps between your teeth, but do not want to undergo orthodontic treatment then veneers could be a great choice for you too. If you have large gaps between your teeth or orthodontic issues that require braces then it may be that a dental professional will recommend you undergo orthodontic treatment first before perfecting your smile using veneers. Sometimes you may find that you undergo orthodontic treatment and veneers may not even be necessary. Primarily veneers are a cosmetic procedure not to be confused with restorative treatment or orthodontic treatment and your dentist will advise accordingly.

Composite bonding

Composite bonding, is a clay-like resin material that is applied on top of your teeth and moulded to your individual requirements. Composite is tooth coloured and is available in different shades depending on what you are looking for. This is a popular choice of cosmetic treatment and will last between 3 to 5 years after which it can be replaced. It is important that you look after your teeth if you have composite bonding otherwise it can become chipped or cracked and it can discolour over time.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers on the other hand are designed to last between 10 and 20 years. Porcelain veneers are made in the laboratory, customised for each individual patient. Porcelain veneers are also available in different shades and they are significantly less prone to discolouration. This means you can maintain a beautiful white smile for many years. It is important that you maintain good dental hygiene and visit the dentist on a regular basis so that your veneers remain beautiful and white. Porcelain veneers are ultra thin and therefore create a natural-looking, highly attractive smile. Your dentist will remove a very fine layer of enamel so that they sit perfectly onto your teeth preventing any damage to them. This also prevents a bulky appearance and promotes a naturally beautiful smile.

If you are thinking about improving the appearance of your teeth, whether you are considering composite bonding or you would like a long-term solution with porcelain veneers, speak to your dentist today and find out more about which option will be most suitable for you. Your dentist will be able to make the best decision for you.

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