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When is Nasal Surgery Beneficial and Necessary for a Snoring Problem?

man tired and snoring
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When soft tissues in the throat vibrate while a person is asleep, they produce a sound. We call this sound snoring—often annoying, but usually a harmless proclivity. Conservative treatment options for snoring involve changing one’s sleeping position and weight loss. In some instances, surgery may be the best possible management. When is surgery, the treatment of choice for snoring?

Surgery—a Potential Cure for Snoring

Loud snoring sounds may not be enough to cause married couples to split, but a consistent lack of sleep due to nocturnal sounds makes for an irritable and fatigued spouse. If you are desperate for a cure, perhaps you can abandon the conservative approach, which has not resulted in any significant improvement. Talk to a surgeon about possible options. Based on the experience of nasal surgery practitioners in Denver, surgical alteration of the soft palate and nose may ease the trouble caused by snoring.

 Removing Blockage Along Nasal Passages

Snoring can have more than one cause, but for certain people, a large part of their disordered breathing is associated with chronic nasal blockage. If nasal saline dilators and medical management of sinus infection do not produce the desired effects, nasal surgery may be a valuable complement to current therapy. To address nasal blockage, a surgeon will attempt to correct the problem with enlargement of the inferior turbinates, which improves the condition of the patient.

The Presence of a Deviated Septum

Another possible cause of nasal blockage and snoring is the deviation of the septum. Airflow without any disruption produces no sound, such as in quiet and regular breathing. When the passage does not offer a clear path for air that comes in and out, then turbulence results. Even when the passages are not narrowed by secretions or tissue swelling from a chronic infection, the presence of a deviated septum can manifest as snoring. Other symptoms may accompany, including nosebleeds, recurrent sinus infection, and nasal congestion that does not resolve completely.

Correction of a Deviated Septum

The nasal septum is a cartilaginous tissue dividing the passages into left and right. When the septum is shifted towards one side, from trauma or as a congenital malformation, it leads to either complete or partial blockage. Mouth breathing is compensation that becomes inevitable, and snoring may characterize the person’s sleep. A doctor would be able to determine whether a deviated septum is present and they may correct the problem with septoplasty—a procedure that restores the septum to its midline position.

The surgery to be performed would depend on the structural issues contributing to snoring. There are many other surgical options to correct snoring, which an experienced surgeon can explain.

Snoring is not an illness, but a manifestation of possible problems in the nose or soft palate. It may be a symptom of an underlying condition. No matter what causes it, many suffer from lack of sleep and fatigue due to restless and sleepless nights. For people with severe snoring problems, their quality of life (and their relationships) might be at stake. Discuss with your doctor whether a surgical procedure is necessary to put an end to snoring once and for all.

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