The Big Deal about Chemical Peels: The Different Kinds of Peel and Their Benefits

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The primary goal of chemical peels is to remove dead skin cells and exfoliate the skin. Peels are a good choice for those who want to brighten their skin’s appearance without a major change. These treatments are used to improve skin irregularities and even to keep precancerous growths from progressing. Plus, chemical peels tighten the pores, keeping dirt from collecting and causing breakouts and acne.

Different Types of Chemical Peels

There’s more to chemical peels than meets the eye. You have to be aware of many factors from the quality of your skin to the various ingredients used to determine which type will best suit you. The frequency of the treatments also varies depending on your skin conditions. In Utah, skincare experts Clarity Skin recommend 3 to 6 series of chemical peels for optimal results. The types of chemical peels include the following:

  • Superficial Peels – Often called the lunchtime treatment, it is the most common type of peel and only takes several minutes to complete. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), the most common and mildest acids, are applied to the skin, where they only penetrate the outer layer. This light treatment is done primarily to improve fine lines, mild discoloration, and acne. It is also beneficial in refreshing dehydrated skin, leaving your face smoother and suppler.
  • Medium Peels – As its name suggests, this treatment penetrates the skin in medium-depth. This means that it more intensive than a light peel. Trichloroacetic acid is usually used in medium-deep peels as it is available in a range of strengths and combinations. It is the ideal acid to use for the treatment for pigment irregularities, deeper wrinkles, and sun damage.
  • Deep Peels – A deep skin peel, which is the most intensive of the three types, is beneficial for removing age spots and freckles using strong chemical peel solutions such as phenol. Patients may even be sedated during the procedure. In some instances, this treatment may only be done once. The results are long-lasting and evident, making dramatic improvements in facial rejuvenation, leaving skin smoother and clearer.

Overall, it is clear to see that the deeper the skin penetration, the greater the visible effects will be. Superficial or light peels are ideal for those who are getting a chemical peel for the first time. But before you get a chemical peel, it is best to consult with a licensed professional and have them look at what’s best for your skin condition.

The Benefits of Getting a Chemical Peel

a pretty woman

Aside from the aforementioned benefits, chemical peels are also effective in minimizing the signs of aging. Light peels often use products that have similar ingredients as anti-aging creams have. Chemical peels are also said to make your skin more receptive to skincare products and stimulate the production of collagen.

The terms ‘chemical’ and ‘acid’ may sound a little intimidating but these are derived from natural ingredients and are used mainly for exfoliating. Don’t be alarmed when your face starts peeling and some layers start shedding. This just means that your chemical peel is effective and soon you’ll have brighter, more rejuvenated skin.

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