Michigan has a huge population of senior citizens, and it’s number one at getting old. Growing old is a privilege. But it does come with additional challenges. If you choose to take care of your elderly loved one, you need to be prepared. Senior citizens may require certain care services. Here are a few examples:
1. Diabetes management
Diabetes is a serious health problem in America. Statistics show that over 25% of the country’s elderly population has diabetes. That can make growing old much more challenging than it should be.
Diabetes causes many complications. It may lead to visual impairment, kidney complications, and even amputations. In extreme cases, it may cause the affected person to go into a coma, which may lead to eventual death.
As such, your loved one may need extra care to manage their diabetes. They will need help with blood sugar monitoring and the administration of relevant medication. Consider hiring a professional caregiver to keep an eye on the elderly member of your family. It may just save their life.
2. Mobility
Many elderly people struggle to move around with ease. They are not as strong and mobile as they used to be. In turn, their risk to suffer from a slip and fall injury becomes higher.
Some of the mobility issues senior citizens are due to aging. Others are a result of medical complications that get worse with age. Diabetes, for instance, can reduce mobility. If your loved one’s limbs were amputated, this affects their ability to move around with ease. They may need walking aids like a walker or even a wheelchair. But, sometimes, even with mobility equipment, they still need help maneuvering, making hiring a caregiver a necessary.
It’s also a good idea to make your house senior-friendly. Install slip-resistant flooring in the living room or add grab bars in the bathroom, so they can remain independent even with reduced mobility.
3. Companionship
Do you ever feel lonely? The problem is much bigger for senior citizens. Studies show that a third of senior citizens are chronically lonely. There are several reasons for this.
As people grow older, they become more isolated. That usually happens because of limited mobility. They are no longer in a position to move around and interact with people like they used to. Additionally, some of their peers pass away, which makes their social circle smaller. They have fewer people their age to talk to. All these things make them lonely.
To keep your senior loved one in good health, consider hiring senior companionship services in Michigan. A professional caregiver doesn’t only take care of the physical needs your loved one may have but also offers companionship. This will help ensure your loved one is emotionally healthy.
You need to ensure that your parents or grandparents are taken care of, especially as they age. So, think about hiring senior care services. The professional caregivers can come into your home in Michigan and perform the tasks that are needed to keep the day-to-day life of your elderly loved one comfortable and convenient. Additionally, they can provide your loved one with the companionship they need.